Sunday, September 26, 2010


The old red truck came out of the "weakie barn" (named after the kittens who reside inside) last week. Nicknamed Big Red, he hauled our beloved Byron to Mackinaw Island and Apple Pi Sir Joshua to Virginia, both trips filled with cherished memories.

Never driven in the snow and garage kept, he just turned over 16,270 miles...not bad for a 1988. Removing the old Duraliner was filled with suspense since we were a bit worried about the condition of the truck bed underneath. It was great, just some scuff marks.

New tires was the first expense for Big Red, since he still had the original "shoes", which are no longer in production. They still held air, but looked a bit dry. Down to Belle Tire and we replaced the 16" with 18" chrome. Wow. Instead of "lfiting" the truck, the new wheels and tires or "tars" if you are from Virginia,
make it look very tough.

Driving BR home, he didn't feel right. A trip to Fix n' Go was my next stop. Told Joe that it felt like the rear brake calipers were not working. Sure enough, not bad for a girl, right on the money.

It's Sunday and two drive-by welfare checks have been made to be sure my truck is safe at the repair shop. I can't wait to get him back.


  1. Wow, 16,000 miles! Don't wear that vehicle out. Almost a classic.

  2. Makes me feel old, since I don't think the boy working on the brakes is as old as the truck :-).
