Monday, January 31, 2011

The television displays the WINTER STORM WATCH and there are only two more days until Groundhog Day, it's just not right! We are supposed to get the mother of all winter storms beginning tonight and reaching its peak on Groundhog Day. The news broadcast indicated that we might have as much as 12 to 15 inches of the white stuff.
Unless Bob has a shovel, our Cobblestone Farm groundhog is not going to come out to see his shadow. Just because he is a groundhog, this is no dummie. Our Bob has it all over that Punxsutawney Phil.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

michael vick gets first endorsement

Between 2002-2007, michael vick and his co-conspiring cronies killed 13 dogs while operating a dog fighting organization. Today, he is not only back playing NFL football, but he has received the endorsement from "Unequaled Technologies" a footwear insert company!

michael vick went to prison, paid his dues to society and is now a revered professional athlete, again. It is easy for some sports fans to look away and believe that michael vick's puppet-like, orchestrated apology was "fo-real".
Keep in mind, using this man for product endorsement is like using Jeffrey Dahmer to endorse Cathlon cookware!

In case you think that michael vick's crimes were not worthy of attention, please take a moment to understand the extent of his involvement in the killings. According to information released from the prosecution, michael vick was DIRECTLY involved in the killing of at least 13 dogs. Dogs were wetted down and electrocuted with jumper cables, hung by the neck and strangled, slammed to the ground, shot and drowned. He even threw family pets into the ring with the fighting dogs.

This is the behavior of a sociopathic predator. His alleged statements of remorse are lies, pure and simple. I beleive that if he were to suffer a career ending injury or some event that would end his professional football career, he'd be back with his "homeys" acting like a thug and we would read about him involved in a shooting or other violent activity.

What in the heck is wrong with this picture. I cannot image that any responsible parent would want their child to look up to and admire the likes of michael vick!
Sure he did his time, but that doesn't excuse his behavior and certainly doesn't make him a role model...remember he went to prison because he got caught! Now, he's a sorry "mo-fo" because he did get caught!

Finally, don't buy or support ANY company that would endorse ANY person like michael vick...that goes for those trash talking Jet players too!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Go Pack GO!

Super Bowl XLV, here we come!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Rat #15

In the last 30 years here at Cobblestone Farm, I can only recall one rat infiltrating the horse barn. That particular rat ran into the tack room, where Floyd and Peggy lived and was promptly cornered. It was at that point, I gave the rat a swat with the broom, grabbed it by the tail and took him outside.

Y.C. was an outside cat back in the day and he eagerly watched as I walked the rat out to the fence row. "Hey Puddy" I hollered. "Look at what mom has for you."
Thinking our large yellow cat might take the bait, the rat was placed clearly where could pounce without much effort. Not. "Yeow", he looked as me as though I were crazy. Oh well, the rat was free at last and on his way to another barn.

In 2010, it was a different story. There were buildings torn down at a neighboring farm, resulting in a sudden jump in the rat population here. Over the past few months, I have LIVE trapped 15 rats and taken them up the road to a local wetland park. Put them in the rat ride (1990 Plym Acclaim) and take them down the road.

In November, I was seated in the barn petting BOB the whistlepig, when he and I both observed rat #14 come out, stroll over to Bob's dish and remove a peanut. That was the last straw. Out came the Nilla waffers and peanut butter for super bait. Rat #14 was on his way!

Rat #15 was a memorable guy. The trap was sitting next to the hydrant when he became captive. I felt sorry for #15, as he was the only rat who squealed! He squealed so loud, I thought he might have been hurt. I picked up the trap, consoled him for a minute and he actually stopped squealing. He calmly rode to his new home in the park, where he joined the rest of his rat family.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bakersfield Blogger

Several years ago, I rode my motorcycle to Athens, Georgia for a Woman's Motorcycle Conference. It was there, I met a gal from Bakersfield, California. She is a life coach, writer and speaker. Recently, I came across her blog. The first topic was
forgiveness. "It is the hardest thing to forgive ourselves", she wrote.

Maybe it was the time of day or the mood, but it really took my thoughts rushing back. Over a lifetime, so many decisions are made in haste, for selfish reasons or without concern for their impact on others. Those hurtful decisions are the ones which make it nearly impossible to forgive ourselves. No matter how much time has passed, there is no repair kit available to "fix" things when other people are hurt. We live with the results of our decisions and hope we learn.

Forgiving others does seem so much easier.

I guess I'll have to wait for the next installment on her blog to see how a person can forgive themselves for things that really seem unforgiveable. How are we worthy of forgiveness for ourselves?


On January 7, 2011, Mother turned 94 years old! She enjoyed opening her presents, a bit of cake and ice cream (which I managed to resist) and a few laughs. We put the number 94 on her cake, but when the mention of lighting the candles, it was Mother who reminded me of the oxygen use on her floor! Her faculties are pretty much intact and she sure does enjoy having visitors. I am always amazed when she will tell me who was there, what they talked about and sometimes, what they were wearing. The clothing part usually refers to her sisters, who always dress the the "nines". It's cute how much attention Mother pays to these details.
With my Mother's family longevity, I hope to celebrate many more.