Between 2002-2007, michael vick and his co-conspiring cronies killed 13 dogs while operating a dog fighting organization. Today, he is not only back playing NFL football, but he has received the endorsement from "Unequaled Technologies" a footwear insert company!
michael vick went to prison, paid his dues to society and is now a revered professional athlete, again. It is easy for some sports fans to look away and believe that michael vick's puppet-like, orchestrated apology was "fo-real".
Keep in mind, using this man for product endorsement is like using Jeffrey Dahmer to endorse Cathlon cookware!
In case you think that michael vick's crimes were not worthy of attention, please take a moment to understand the extent of his involvement in the killings. According to information released from the prosecution, michael vick was DIRECTLY involved in the killing of at least 13 dogs. Dogs were wetted down and electrocuted with jumper cables, hung by the neck and strangled, slammed to the ground, shot and drowned. He even threw family pets into the ring with the fighting dogs.
This is the behavior of a sociopathic predator. His alleged statements of remorse are lies, pure and simple. I beleive that if he were to suffer a career ending injury or some event that would end his professional football career, he'd be back with his "homeys" acting like a thug and we would read about him involved in a shooting or other violent activity.
What in the heck is wrong with this picture. I cannot image that any responsible parent would want their child to look up to and admire the likes of michael vick!
Sure he did his time, but that doesn't excuse his behavior and certainly doesn't make him a role model...remember he went to prison because he got caught! Now, he's a sorry "mo-fo" because he did get caught!
Finally, don't buy or support ANY company that would endorse ANY person like michael vick...that goes for those trash talking Jet players too!