Finally, Ty-Shawn Bost is sentenced to jail for the burglary of a Roseville home, where he murdered a helpless kitten named Ruby. In September, 2009, Bost broke into a home and while searching for valuables, he placed Ruby in the washing machine and started the cycle. The kitten didn't stand a chance and died as a result.
The miniscule amount of jail time this worthless piece of crap will spend in jail doesn't even begin to meet what I would like to see happen to him. It is somewhat of a surprise that he received any time at all for this crime. Most burglaries are treated as harmless property crimes and probation is the sentence. Let's hope that the media attention this case received caused the judge to take notice!
The coverage of the Ty-Shawn Bost case was carried by Channel 7 and when I saw it this evening, there were tears of joy! She was not just a kitten!